EasyWeather v1.4.0Purchase Many weather services, one bright engine
EasyWeather is a lightweight and versatile jQuery plugin displaying weather information for any location. Its compact size and numerous options make it perfectly suitable for providing local weather information in portals, websites, blogs and apps.
It is an amazing plugin that unifies different weather sources in one tiny widget. It currently works with 2 weather providers but it is designed to work with an unlimited number of sources. It implements a cascading fallback mechanism ensuring data is retrieved even if a provider is down or the consumer itself is throttled by a service. If the first provider fails to return the requested information, EasyWeather will contact the next one to maximise the availability of the service. EasyWeather's engine uses the same mechanism to detect users location and it currently supports 2 different geolocation services.
EasyWeather is available for purchase on CodeCanyon for only $10.
Main features It supports the following weather providers: And the following Geolocation services: Up to 10 days weather forecast depending on service Custom location search bar Units selection: Celsius/Fahrenheit and Kmph/Miles Caching mechanism based on:HTML 5 local storage or Cookies Pure client-side solution, no particular server-side technology required, no proxy page 10 predefined themes Templates and CSS styles fully customisable Callbacks, custom events and delegates for most actions Easy to install Extensive documentation top ↑ Weather & geolocation providers This is the list of supported weather data providers:
Name Code Requires account Free plan Throttled by API Nb of forecast days Language support Weather API wap yes yes yes 10 yes Open Weather Map owm yes yes yes 7 yes
And below the list of geolocation providers:
Name Code Requires account Free plan geoPlugin geopl No Yes ipinfo.io ipinf Yes Yes
top ↑ Installation A quick start guide and a starter example page are available in the purchased package .
top ↑ Examples & usage Below the default configuration:
below the weather description and max/min temperatures are turned off:
$('.ew02').EasyWeather({ showDescription: false, showMinMax: false });
and the region/state displayed in the header and the country name turned off:
showRegion: true,
showCountry: false
Detailed The following example shows more detailed information of the current weather condition:
showDetails: true, width: '275px'
}); The detailed information is also configurable:
showDetails: true, details: 'humidity|pressure|wind', width: '275px'
top ↑ Location By default the widget geolocates the current user position, alternatively a fixed location can be set:
$('.ewLoc').EasyWeather({ location: 'Sydney' });
$('.ewLoc2').EasyWeather({ location: 'Rome', showCountry: false });
top ↑ Forecasts Forecasts can be displayed in a vertical or horizontal manner:
$('.ew04').EasyWeather({ forecasts: true });
$('.ew05').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm', forecasts: true, orientation: 'horizontal', nbForecastDays: 4 });
Alternatively, they can be toggled with a link:
$('.ew06').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm', forecasts: true, forecastsLink: true });
top ↑ Search With the search feature users will be able to search weather information for desired locations:
$('.ewSearch').EasyWeather({ enableSearch: true });
The number of search results is also configurable, 8 by default:
$('.ewSearch2').EasyWeather({ enableSearch: true, nbSearchResults: 15 });
top ↑ Providers The weather data provider can be easily set, World Weather Online is the default one as it doesn't need any account:
$('.ewProviders').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm' });
The order of data providers to be contacted in case of failure is also configurable:
providerId: 'owm', providerSequenceIds: 'owm|wap'
The example below implements a provider roller:
Weather API Open Weather Map
var ewProvidersRoller = $('.ewProvidersRoller').EasyWeather({
providerId: 'owm', searchBox: true, showDetails: true, width: '270px',
load: function() {
if($('#slcProvider').val() !== this.provider().id) {
<!-- Drop-down options -->
<select id="slcProvider" onchange="
<option value="wap">Weather API</option>
<option value="owm">Open Weather Map</option>
It is also possible to choose the geolocation provider:
$('.ewGeoProvider').EasyWeather({ geoProviderId: 'ipinf' });
top ↑ Themes EasyWeather comes with 12 themes, and this is how you set a theme:
$('.ew-theme').EasyWeather({ theme: 'ew-yellow' }); Check the available skins with the theme roller:
light blue (default) dark grey yellow green purple teal skyblue orange dark purple brown transparent theme: '
ew-teal '
var ewThemesRoller = $('#ew-theme-roller').EasyWeather({
theme: 'ew-teal',
load: function() {
if($('#slcThemes').val() !== this.config().theme) {
top ↑ Customisation Additional advanced examples showing how to customise the EasyWeather widget are available in the purchased package .
top ↑ Documentation EasyWeather's documentation is available in the purchased package .
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